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About 530 results

Footwear Industry

The Portuguese footwear industry is one of the most advanced in the world, transferring its technology to the five continents. INESC TEC has contributed to the entire innovation process.

INESC TEC will predict the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer surgery

Leading academic and clinical centers from INESC (PT), LUMC (NL), UCL (UK), and KCL (UK) and Philips are joining forces to develop tools to help women understand how different breast cancer therapy options may affect how they look.


Multilayer Optical Interface and a method to enhance the performance, efficiency and reliability of optical devices

Industrial Engineering and Management

- State of the art on the role of living labs in the sustainable transition; - Multiple case study of living labs, to examine and map their development and implementation processes and strategies, identifying best practices; -Development, implementation, and evaluation of co-creation approaches a...

Portugal and UK invest in scientific and technological cooperation

The minister Manuel Heitor, accompanied by rectors of various universities, is in London on April 23, with British authorities in order to promote cooperation in Europe and in the post-Brexit scenario.

Portugal and UK invest in scientific and technological cooperation

The Portuguese Government will strengthen scientific collaboration with universities and British entities, namely with Imperial College, a reference in the biomedical field, said Portugal's Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education.

Legal Sciences

The work to be developed will focus on the preparation of contractual drafts, definition and negotiation of contractual conditions, monitoring the flow of information with external entities (e.g. Courts, Funding Bodies and Auditors), in order to ensure compliance with the institution's legal obligat...

Legal Sciences

The work to be developed consists of providing legal support to a research institution, by applying the national, European and international legal framework for research institutions to the organisation in all its aspects, from institutional to contractual activity. This support will include the pre...

Technological Entrepreneurship

O Lorem Ipsum é um texto modelo da indústria tipográfica e de impressão. O Lorem Ipsum tem vindo a ser o texto padrão usado por estas indústrias desde o ano de 1500, quando uma misturou os caracteres de um texto para criar um espécime de livro. Est...

Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments

Facing new challenges in areas such as Immersive Environments, Digital Games and User Experience and broadening the knowledge in Computer Graphics.

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